Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reversible Necklace-Make One!

Hi clayers! My first tutorial video on youtube got 1160 hits in under a week! Thank you!

The next vid will be about caning. We'll be making the cane seen here and part two will show how to make the reversible necklace.

We're shooting 10/20 and 10/21 so the tutorial should be available by 10/26.

If you like these vids please subscribe so you can be notified each time a new one comes out.

Clay on, my friends!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Easy polymer clay Beads

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Best Advice EVER

That's a photo of my Polyclay Idol, Christi Friesen, givin' the love to Old Pandora. Ms. Friesen gave me another gift that day and I want to pay or forward to my students.

Christi Friesen is one of the top polyclay artists in the world. And I mean WORLD. This is what she told me:

"Spend the same amount of time promoting your art as you do creating it."

See me hitting my forehead with my palm?  (And, no, I don't need a V8.)

For the last five years I've insulated myself in a blanket of inspired productivity like Whistler's Mother on Redbull. I've made hundreds of pieces with NO plan on how to sell them. I must have been thinking people would line my block, frantically searching for my tiny home, asking each neighbor, "is Pandora there?"

So now I put the clay on a high shelf, sit down at my keyboard and work. I show my art to people who want to see it. I write about it.

It's not easy though. Every artist would rather create art than create buzz. But what success is easy? Marketing is work.

I'm an avid reader of biographies; and guess what? The common denominator of everyone from Ghandi to Gaga is gigantic heapin' 
mountainous piles of work.

What a concept.