Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hypocrites Anonymous

Not all personal revelations are painless. Maybe none of them are. To wit:

I was out distributing flyers for the art fair. In store after store I got the same response:"What art fair?"

I found myself getting increasingly disgusted. By the seventh "HUH" I gave up and headed for home. I spent the first few miles muttering curses to all the ignorant, clueless people who have no idea what's happening in their own community. Mumble mumble $&@*!

Then it hit me like a bat.

When was the last time I picked up my local paper?  Do I ever read the bulletin board at my library even though I'm there constantly? How about those emails I delete without even reading them just because they don't directly pertain to me.

Woops. The fact is I wouldn't know if freakin' dinosaurs moved in a block away. I never go there.

So tomorrow I will try again; and the little slice of society I encounter will meet a kinder, gentler Pandora.

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